Monday, May 9, 2011

Procrastination + Internet = No Work Done :(

I have a few changes left to make on my book, which I am apparently not looking forward to. I spent all day cleaning the house, recycling, doing laundry, making a grocery list and reading the Police Procedure book.

More to the point, SparkPeople called to me as I remember reading an inspiring article about consistency and persistency. And then I was sucked into a mindless web-surfing vortex of recipes, exercises and tracking.

I did not accomplish any of the four minor changes that need to be done before submission.

So, I feel a bit frustrated, but at least I got a lot of other things done. Perhaps I will get something done tonight or early this morning. (My favorite time to write.)

The irony is that, if I would just open the program and start typing I could probably finish all four things relatively quickly. It seems worse when I don't start than if I just got going on it. Worst case, I get some work done. Best case, I get it ALL done.

Some say that success is scary. Not for me. Failure is a pretty great motivator for me not to do what I should. Of course, not working is also failure, but it's a failure that no one else need be involved in.

Getting rejected by an editor is a painful sounding failure, sharp and quick, depression. Not working is a blanketing, anxiety-producing, malaise type failure that smothers you for a very long time.

Have I talked myself into writing yet?

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