Monday, June 13, 2011

the Importance of Having a Good Support System in Writing

It's easy to get caught up in writing, letting friendships and real world contact slide.

Having someone in your corner who is positive about what you are doing can be an incredible motivation to keep writing. After all, sometimes writing is hard. You feel nothing is exciting. You feel it's not going anywhere. You feel blocked. Just hearing from someone else that they are proud of you or that you should "keep it up" can be very helpful. That's not to say "way to go" will cure all types of problems for writers.

But, as many anecdotes and studies have shown, we are or become like the people we spend our time with. So choose your friends wisely, or limit time with people who aren't "good" for you. It is important for people to be honest with you. If you ask for a feedback, someone who lies and says everything reads very well is not very helpful to you. But, on the other hand, someone who is constantly belittling you or telling you that your choice of hobby or career is useless damages you with every word.

Sometimes that's easier said than done. You can't avoid everyone who has something unnecessarily negative to say. Longtime friends and family members sometimes don't realize just how much their negativity is a self-producing prophecy.

How can you combat that?
Try joining a group of likeminded individuals who understand your goals and what you are trying to achieve. They'll have tips. They'll probably understand the hardships. They most likely won't think you're crazy and maybe, just maybe, you'll find that ultra supportive friend you've been seeking.

Since the advent of the internet, it's been incredibly easy to find just such a group. Try, for example, where anyone can find people who are interested in the same things.

I recently joined a group and attended a meetup. Was I surprised when after a two hour coffee meet, I had made several new friends and found myself wondering why I hadn't attended anything before.

Anyone else have positive experiences?

So take some time this summer to get out and spend more time with your friends. You'll probably find your natural enthusiasm for writing gets a shot in the arm.

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