Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You Will Never Fail If You Never Try. But You Will Also Never Succeed.

I've never understood the phrase "afraid to succeed". Who's afraid to succeed?

If you really want to succeed at something, you will try your hardest. Some say, if you succeed you may have to do something you don't want to. Well you never have to do something you don't want to.

Anyway, it makes little sense to me. I'm sure someone out there could explain it to me, could offer a logical scenario where someone might be afraid to succeed.

But, to me, most people are afraid to fail, afraid to try to succeed and then not succeed.

It seems easier to not try, to not risk the possibility of people rejecting you when they reject your idea, your thought, your input, your creation.

But not trying at anything is a surefire way to die unhappy, to die with regret.

It is true that if you never try, you cannot fail. But you cannot succeed. There is no chance EVER of you succeeding. Success does not fall in most people's laps. If it does, most would not consider this a "success".

Success is a tricky thing. It's based on what you feel success is.

Take a step back. If you believe success is trying then you will always succeed. 

Success is moving forward. Success is making tough choices. Success is learning. Success is challenging yourself in some way.

In what ways can you change your opinion of that word and also change your life?

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