Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fail is NOT a Four Lettered F-Word

I am sensitive to the concept of failure. If I don't live up to the perfection that I think I should obtain, I get down on myself which, sadly, leads to less writing.

As I grow older and keep trying (and failing), I realize more and more, through my experiences that failing can be a good thing.

I have started (and not kept up with) several websites over my years of riding the ever-changing wave that is the internet. Each time, I felt like there was "something wrong" with me that I couldn't keep up the simple task of post. Lack of focus. Lack of commitment. I'm sure I came up with some more creative words and phrases as well.

When I had excitedly sent a link to a friend about a new website I'd started of interesting news I came across in my day, she replied with "I thought there would be more writing in it."

It stung a bit, like a slap in the face. I felt connected to the site and certainly didn't want someone, so bluntly, saying what I heard to be "It's crap." Life and the idea I was failing led me to temporarily give up on the site. Looking back that decision and others like it, it's sad that I let disappointment or the ideal I held myself to make me retreat from something I truly enjoyed doing.

Three months later, I've written a full length novel and, more or less, made writing my thoughts, feelings and experiences on a daily basis a priority. I have gone back to posting at the site and now, it seems breezy to type a paragraph of my personal opinions on the interesting article I'm linking.

Looking at "failures" as temporary hiatuses or opportunities to learn something is truly valuable both for your mental state and the skills you build both directly and in the effort to be patient and lenient.

I guess if you don't give up, you technically can't fail. And every misstep along the way makes you stronger, smarter and much more likely to have the skills and stamina to complete your task, whatever smile-inducing task it is that you choose.

So, thanks unnamed friend for the slap in the face.

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